How to Create a Landing Page that Converts


If your landing page isn’t getting the job done, then you’ll need to start making changes and testing – or optimizing for best conversions. The usual track for people brand new to web marketing is to create a landing page they think will work, and then when it doesn’t work well – they’re often at a loss for what to do about it. So, really there is no voodoo involved with it, and you just have to learn what it means and the best way to approach the optimization process. This article offers three fairly easy and straightforward optimization methods for your landing pages, so learn them and be sure to take advantage them. Also, remember that reliable webhosting is most definitely necessary with Internet marketing. We highly recommend BlueHost, be sure to read our Blue Host reviews.
Your primary purpose for building a landing page was to get good results. Video is one of the most effective tools for getting results on landing pages today. In fact, video is quickly rising to offer a better conversion rate than written text. Thanks to wide spread usage of high speed or broadband Internet, people are turning to the Internet more and more for video entertainment. With video, it is easier for you to relate to your audience and conversions are higher for video as a result. Most members of your target audience would rather watch a video than read a lot of text. Knowing this, more and more marketers are turning to video for better landing page conversions.
One of the most important parts of your landing page is the headline, which you should never compromise on. Spend a good amount of time on your headline, make sure it contains a powerful benefit, and then test different headlines.
If you’re really stuck on headline, do a search on Google for headlines or how to write effective headlines. Always remember that testing is the key to optimization; test your headlines and check your conversion rate after several hundred impressions, or visitors. This will automatically increase your conversions and give you a better return on investment.
You are the only one who can establish credibility for your landing page. The best way to make your landing page credible is to post testimonials from your previous customers/subscribers or even have experts in your niche write a short review that you can feature on your page. Landing pages with strong testimonials get real results. Friends and family can be an excellent resource for testimonials if you don’t have any for your product just et. Do not overlook the importance of testimonials on your landing page or it could have a negative impact on sales. The effectiveness of your landing page can hinge on a few small acts. In the beginning there is a lot of testing and tweaking but it will all be worth it in the end. Last but not least, be sure to check to see if there are any new Blue Host coupon codes.

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