Social Media Websites And Their Variety


The various types of social media sites are a result of people all around the world taking an interest in reaching each other via the internet. Social media sites are unique in that they are typically based on user-produced content. There are many types of social media sites that developed over time.
1) Blogs are one way in which people interact with each other. In the past, individuals may have kept diaries, but hoped they could share their thoughts with others and receive feedback, but that was largely imposed since the network did not exist to share ideas. This allows a lot of factually incorrect content to make it onto the internet, but it has also heralded a major revolution in the media by increasing the scope of information type in global news. For example, during the U. S. War in Iraq, Iraqi bloggers were posting their experiences with the U. S. Military on the internet. Some blogs have even been used in court cases as evidence.
2) Some websites allow users to submit digital content, such as videos or music. This content can reach users all around the world and is fascinating because of the impact that some of this content has had on the world. For example, during the recent presidential election in Iran, there were massive protests (in the hundreds of thousands) that took place afterward, and no one would have seen them had these types of social media websites not existed. These protests were then supported by various people in countries all around the world. The site Youtube is an example of this type.
3) Some sites help facilitate romance. Users develop profiles that describe themselves and their interests, and this data is then used by a program to help bring people together.
4) Professional networking sites are another example of social media sites that have a lot of value and importance. For example, websites like LinkedIn allow professionals to connect with each other, which is important when establishing the contacts that are needed in a job market to advance one’s career. These sites often allow people to “post” resumes.
5)”Forums” on the internet allow users to maintain a constant stream of thoughts that this both, essentially, remembered and held constant over time. Thus, new users can have access to the old content and continue the stream of thought. Before web “forums, ” there really was no similar venue for this type of discussion, the closest perhaps being the “letters to the editor” section of newspapers.
6) Some sites combine interests in developing networks with that of providing a public forum for self-expression. Myspace, a website dedicated to heavy user customization, allows people to add colorful backgrounds, music, pictures, and interesting fonts to their webpages.

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