The Two Most Frequent Mistakes of Article Marketers
17:49Article marketing is among the very best ways to promote a website. Whether your website is about automobiles, health and wellness or online degrees, an aggressive, well-conceived article marketing campaign can markedly boost your search engine rankings in Yahoo, Bing, Google and the so-called minor search engines. Don’t forget , the links to your website that come as the result of article marketing will not in themselves send hundreds of visitors to you ; the value of article marketing is that it will improve your search engine rankings for the keywords you select . And, as you are probably aware , visitors who reach your site after doing a search are much more likely to be interested in it than are visitors who reach your site as a result of advertising.
To be most effective , article marketing must be sustained . If you submit a couple of articles a week for a month or two and then stop, any gains you make in ranking will probably be erased soon by your more persistent competitors .
And, you must choose your anchor text…the words or phrases from which you link to your website… with care . Your anchor text should rotate between the keywords people are most likely to use when trying to find a website like yours. Notice that I used the word “rotate”.
That’s because one of the greatest errors article marketers make is to use the same keyword or phrase as the anchor text in all of the links in the articles they write for publication . For example , if you have a website which lists and describes online educational programs , you may be tempted to write articles only about online education and include two links in each article using “online education” as your anchor text. That seems perfectly logical, right?
But, if you did that, you’d be making two critical mistakes…the same mistakes made by many article marketers. One would be using the same keywords all the time. Rotating anchor text to include terms like online universities, online degree programs, online undergraduate programs , and similar terms will look much more natural to Google and Yahoo , and may therefore result in your links being more highly valued in calculating your ranking.
Your second mistake in the example above would be submitting articles only about the subject of your website. Sure, it seems logical that the owner of an education website could best promote his or her site by writing and submitting articles and blog posts on education-related subjects, and to some extent that is true. However, by writing about education-related subjects exclusively , he or she would be severely limiting the number of websites and blogs which would consider publishing his or her articles and posts.
A better conceived strategy would be to write some number of articles, perhaps one of four or one of five, on a wide variety of subjects. Articles on automobile safety, health, and home and family have the potential to be published in blogs and on websites which would not consider articles on an educational topic like online colleges, for instance. Thus, rotating article topics will result in greater exposure and more links than limiting yourself to one or two topics .