How To Explode Traffic To Your Site When You Create and Manage an Article Directory


Building and maintaining an article directory does take some work, but if you do it, you’ll find that there’s a lot to be gained from it. You can find article directories of all descriptions, and you can mold them to your own purposes. Don’t think that huge directories like Ezinearticles make it impossible to start one of your own. The fact is, you won’t be competing with them, so they don’t affect you. Instead, think of your directory as you would your primary website, especially if it can be considered an authority site. Then do the simple math of 1 + 1 equals massive expansion and streams of profit using article directories. With tons of articles, imagine how many keywords you could be on page one with in the search engines. That is massive potential, but you have to start at the beginning. Let’s go over some methods to get you started. Also, in case you’re interested, you should really think about buying the Article Demon program, it is very good.
When you are laying the groundwork for your article directory, you really do want to make your article categories keyword-wealthy; not rich, filthy rich. Hopefully you are good at doing keyword research because that will determine a lot with seo purposes.
You want your articles to come up in the search results, so be sure to get that step down right. Blogs have a silo structure, and that is one thing that helps them to rank well; you want your directory to have the same kind of structure. However, an article directory has more to it than a regular site. Just think of this as putting in the proper effort that will reward you later. When you create an article directory, you also have the issue of monetizing it one way or another. Of course you want to be profitable, and there are many ways you can do that. If you have ever been to Ezinearticles, then you know that it is basically a huge Adsense farm – of a different variety. As might be expected, some article marketers who publish on Ezinearticles have complained about the widespread presence of Adsense around the site. But, that is a viable choice for your article directory, as well. Another possible monetization method is to have banners on your site. It might be even more profitable for you to use banners to promote offers of your own. Those are just two quick and obvious ideas about monetizing your article directory.
Outsourcing the creating of your article directory is an option if you’re able to spend a little money, though it doesn’t have to be that expensive. You could actually outsource everything, including the day to day management of it. That’s your decision, of course. Outsourcing is something you have to do some research about if you’re not knowledgeable about it. While you can get amazing benefits from outsourcing, you can also get burned if you’re not careful about the company or individuals you’re hiring. Outsourcing can be very helpful to online businesses, just be careful. If you’re seeking good information on outsourcing, check online and take your time.
Creating and managing an article directory will give you a lot of flexibility that you would not have. If you are using other sites with it, then be sure to put them on different hosting accounts. You may know about how some will have a blog and a site on the same domain; we are talking about cross marketing from different domains.

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